For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Trump, Pittsburgh and US Jewry – A view from Israel (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) Trump is the creation of Obama. The divisions in American society he is accused of exacerbating are ones largely precipitated by his predecessor’s policies and prejudices […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: The rumored “ultimate deal”:Potential payoffs and possible pitfalls. (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The potential impermanence of the positive measures already undertaken by the Trump team should not be the only reason for Israeli concern over the brewing “ultimate deal” It […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Israel Victory Initiative – Quo vadis? (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) It is unrealistic to expect that the Palestinians will experience a sudden “aha moment”, slap their forehead in epiphanic realization of the futility of their Judeocidal endeavors—and, of their own […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Instability in Jordan: The impact on Trump’s “Ultimate Deal (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The forces of instability in Jordan are beyond Israel’s control. It cannot determine their eventual outcome—or who will seize, or sustain, command of the country. Accordingly, whatever […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Inane …Again! Tom Friedman on Gaza (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) Tom Friedman’s last piece on Gaza is a “masterful” blend of personal bile & bias, liberally laced with logical inconsistencies, factual inaccuracies and even blatant non-sequiturs It appears this week […]