For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Israel’s disloyal—and dishonest—opposition (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) It is time for representatives of the Israeli Left to come to terms with the existence of “The Other”, and the idea that people who THINK differently to them are just as legitimate as those […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Gaza:The ultimate indictment of “two-statism” (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The real humanitarian solution to the plight of Gaza lies not in its reconstruction, but in its deconstruction It appears this week on the following sites (in alphabetical order): ALGEMEINER: ISRAELI FRONTLINE: […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Bennett’s academic code: Right sentiment, wrong strategy (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) In-depth 2013 study: “Israeli academics have been free to engage in ‘nazification’ of Israel” It appears this week on the following sites (in alphabetical order): ALGEMEINER: ISRAELI FRONTLINE: ISRAEL […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: The Humanitarian Paradigm – Answering FAQs (Part 2) (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) Sequel to the dispelling of doubts regarding the feasibility – and morality – of largescale, financially incentivized emigration as the only non-kinetic approach for resolution of the Israel-Palestinian impasse. It […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: The Humanitarian Paradigm – Answering FAQs (Part 1) (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) Dispelling doubts as to the feasibility (and morality) of large-scale, financially incentivized emigration as the only non-kinetic approach to resolve the Israel-Palestinian impasse. It appears this week on the following […]