For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column A 660 lbs. war crime (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) “Such a missile would pulverize a house to dust. It blasted a crater that is impossible to describe… There is no protection that can defend us in the case of missiles like […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column Gaza: Gratuitous gobbledygook (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The obdurate resistance of Gaza to any type of resolution has led to such overriding exasperation that it has begun to undermine the quality of the public debate on the […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column Dopey doves (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) “Until 1967, Israel did not hold an inch of the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Gaza Strip or Golan Heights…Year after year Israel called for …peace. The answer was a blank […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column Gaza: Disaster foretold (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) What has unfolded in Gaza should not really surprise anyone willing to face up to the inclement realities. After all, it was not only entirely foreseeable, but easily foreseen It appears this week on […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Generals in Israeli politics: The pinnacle of perversity? (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) As a rule, on entering Israeli politics, senior military and security figures have played a troubling role, which has—almost uniformly—proved disastrous, both for the country and/or for themselves. It appears […]