For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column The deadly detriments of a doctrine of defense (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) “Every round of violence, in which the results are not a clear-cut IDF victory is, in the eyes of Israel’s enemies, another nail in the coffin of the Zionist […]
WHY GAZA MUST GO The only durable solution requires dismantling Gaza, humanitarian relocation of the non-belligerent Arab population, and extension of Israeli sovereignty over the region. LET THEIR PEOPLE GO! The Palestinian Arabs, as a national collective, have failed the test of history. It is high time we drop the charade of […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column The Bahrain Conference: Failure Foretold (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The endeavor to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by economic means not only shows a grave defect in understanding its underlying causes, but inverts the causal relationship that generates & sustains it It appears […]
זיהוי האויב כאויב אינו “גזענות (Identifying the enemy as the enemy is not “racism”) נמל לעזה: כסילות אינסופית The Infinite Folly of The Gaza Port Plan גונן שגב: ההשתקפות המוסרית של אוסל The perfidy of Gonen Segev and his symbiotic connection to the Oslo Accords המגילה אינה מרשם לשוויון (The Declaration of Independence is Not […]