For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Imbecility squared – Israel’s incomprehensible policy of sustaining the enemy in Gaza (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The policy of trying to placate Hamas with enhanced humanitarian aid is sadly no less farcical than trying to convert a man-eating tiger into […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: INSS’s puerile, preposterous proposal (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) The cynically minded may be forgiven for suspecting that the prime goal of INSS’s newly launched plan is the demolition of Jewish communities, rather than the future resolution of conflict or enhanced […]
For your perusal, my latest INTO THE FRAY column: Obsessing over Oslo – Einat Wilf in “The Atlantic” (Kindly consider “liking”, sharing, tweeting – please use hash-tag #IntoFray) Wilf seems oblivious to “pesky details” such as the murderous terror unleashed by the Palestinians, their Judeophobic indoctrination and Judeocidal incitement, as “grand obstacles to peace” It […]